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What is a home fire alarm? Why should it be installed? What is the price? How to use it? How to maintain it?

I. Home fire alarms, also known as standalone smoke detectors, are applicable for households which are on the 5th floor or below without a fire alarm system. It is battery operated, does not require electrical wiring, and can be installed on the ceiling or the wall on its own.When the home fire alarm detects smoke or heat, it will send out a loud alarm to alert people to escape.The home fire alarms sold in the market are categorized into smoke detector or heat detector mode. Smoke detector home fire alarm is to be installed in bedrooms or stairways, while heat detector home fire alarm is to be installed in the kitchen II. Reason for installing home fire alarm: In general, fire is detected through the smell of smoke or the sight of thick smoke. During the night while one is sleeping, the sensitivity of smell and sight is lower; hence, you may not be able to detect the fire in time, resulting in a delay in escape. Therefore, if a home fire alarm is installed at home, the loud alarm being sent off upon detection of smoke or heat will provide more time for escape. III. The price of a home fire alarm ranges from 200 NTD to 1000 NTD. It is sold in most megastores, fire equipment companies or over the internet. IV. Methods of Use: 1. When purchasing the home fire alarm, you should press the test button to check if it gives off a proper functioning siren. 2. A home fire alarm should be installed in the rooms and on the ceiling along the stairways. 3. A home fire alarm should be installed by following the product instructions, and take note of the following: (i) A home fire alarm installed on the ceiling should be at least 60 centimeters away from the surrounding walls. (ii) The alarm should be at least 1.5 meters away from the air-conditioner's air vents. (iii) The detection point of the wall mounted alarm should be 15-50 centimeters away from the ceiling.V. Repair and Maintenance: 1. After the installation of the home fire alarm, it should be labeled with the installation date, and needs to be replaced after 10 years' of usage. 2. Use the test button of the home fire alarm monthly on a regular basis to check if it sounds a proper functioning siren. 3. If the home fire alarm gives an intermittent and short sound, it indicates that the battery is weak and has to be replaced immediately for proper functioning.