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What are the things to note for typhoon and flood disaster prevention?

  1. When a typhoon warning is issued, you should follow the typhoon information updates and carry out prevention work accordingly, such as securing store signs and flower pots on the balcony and preparing sandbags; if your house is secure and will not be affected by a tsunami or flood, stay indoors ; mountain climbers should descend immediately and take refuge at a safe place as soon as possible, and call their family and friends to inform them of their whereabouts.
    2. Typhoons may lead to shortages in water supply and power outages. Have a flashlight ready for use. Store clean water, dried food, a flashlight, and batteries. Ensure that the emergency power is in working condition. When encountering a power failure, lighted candles should be put away from combustible items, to avoid causing fire.
    3. People living in low-lying areas should be prepared for evacuation. When a typhoon strikes, please follow the instructions given by your borough or district office, police or fire departments, and the person in charge at the temporary shelter.
    4. Those who have a floodgate at home should install the floodgate in the correct manner before the typhoon strikes.
    5. People living on a hillside or in areas prone to rockfalls should leave the area immediately. (If there are no relatives to seek shelter with, please go to an emergency shelter).
    6. Do not go to the seawalls for tide watching, wading, stone picking or fishing to avoid accidents.
    7. When the eye of the typhoon passes through, the weather will improve temporarily with the stopping of rain and wind. Do not leave your home as heavy rain may strike again in the next 10 minutes.
    8. If there is a need go out during the typhoon period, be careful of falling store signs and large scaffolding, as well as toppling trees and utility poles. You should drive slowly and pay attention to traffic safety. When passing through a tunnel, pay special attention to the water level. Do not pass through recklessly or your car may stall.
  2. If you encounter strong winds and rain while driving, reduce your speed or take refuge temporarily at a safe location and switch on your warning lights.
    9. Ensure that doors and windows are secure. Close those that are not in use, and secure with wood boards if necessary.
    10. When the typhoon warning is lifted, heavy rain normally follows. Avoid going outside unnecessarily to check on your agricultural equipment or fish farm.
    11. Dial 119 if rescue is needed; for other problems please dial 1999.