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What qualifications are required to join volunteer firefighters?

1. New volunteer firefighters should be R.O.C. citizens at least 18 years of age.

2. The age criteria for volunteer firefighters besides the General Commander, Deputy General Commander and consultant are as follows:

(i) All other members of the Headquarters shall be below 65 year old.

(ii) The age of District HQ Chief and Assistant District HQ Chief shall be less than 65, and the age of the rest of the District HQs’ members shall be less than 63.

(iii) All members of the Battalions shall be below 63 year old.

(iv) All members of the Stations besides the firefighters shall be less than 60 year old; all firefighters of the Stations shall be less than 55 year old. For firefighters who only assist in fire prevention education and emergency medical service, the age limit is 60 year old.