What are the things to note for Tsunami Disaster Prevention?
1. After an earthquake, pay attention to tsunami warnings and listen to any related reports at all times. 2. When a tsunami warning has been issued, all sea activities, such as tide watching, diving, sea fishing, fish catching, etc., should be stopped immediately, and the public should leave any region that may be affected by the tsunami as soon as possible. 3. When a tsunami warning has been issued, all vessels at sea should follow the guidance of the Coast Guard Administration or the Fisheries Agency, or the Council of Agriculture. Big vessels are to seek refuge in the open sea, while small vessels are to put into shore and be tightly secured; the seamen are to evacuate the vessels. 4. While evacuating from a tsunami, the public should first consider nearby tall and solid buildings, or if there are none, evacuate towards inner highland. 5. While evacuating from a tsunami, the public should be familiar with the evacuation route and the predetermined evacuation shelter, as well as carry along emergency evacuation bags. 6. For short distance escape, try not to travel by vehicle as it will cause traffic congestion, and if the vehicles are trapped in the tsunami, it will be more difficult to escape. 7. If there is not enough time to escape when a tsunami strikes, hold on tightly to nearby solid objects in a nearby high-rise area. If your body is immersed in water, try to prevent being hit and injured by big floating objects. 8. When a tsunami strikes, evacuation should be the first priority. Do not worry about your valuables or fishing boats. 9. When the first wave of a tsunami subsides, do not return home or check on your fishing boat at the port immediately, as there could be a second wave of tsunami.