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How can I find out the causes of fire in my house (or car)?

To protect the public's interests, the owner or tenant of a house (or car) that has caught fire may apply to the Fire Investigation Division of the Fire Department for fire investigation information (including the date and time of the fire, the household and origin of fire, and the cause of the fire). The application can be made approximately one month after the Fire Department submits the Investigation and Determination Report to the district police station. 

To apply, submit the application form, a copy of the applicant's ID, and proof of ownership (e.g., vehicle registration) or a copy of the lease agreement. Applications can be made via the Citizen Service Platform using citizen digital certificates, by mail, or in person at the Taipei City Fire Department Fire Investigation Division (9th Floor, No. 376, Section 2, Chenggong Road, Neihu District, Taipei City). 

For further inquiries about the fire case, please contact the Fire Investigation Division at 02-27297668 ext. 8114.