What is TaipeiPASS?
To implement the vision of Taipei Smart City and help citizens realize a comfortable and convenient lifestyle, Taipei City Government utilizes individual identity as a key to access numerous city service. In addition to building a portal for city services, the primary objective of TaipeiPASS is to create digital identities unique to Taipei City. This will help connect Taipei residents with the government, ensuring that city services better meet the needs of citizens’ day-to-day life and allowing Taipei implement the vision of prosperity and happiness. TaipeiPASS is the city government’s single-entry portal for members. It integrates city services and resources that people are likely to use in their everyday life. By constructing a citizen digital identity and verification system linking both online and offline services, TaipeiPASS provides users with a wide variety of tools ranging from identification to payment. Signing up for TaipeiPASS membership allows you to enjoy services offered by city hall. It is the key for citizens to unlock city services. For more information, please visit the official website of TaipeiPASS(Chinese).