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How does a foreigner, who is the spouse of a ROC citizen, apply for the ROC citizenship?

(I) Application Process:
According to Section 1 of Article 4 、8、9 of ROC Law of Nationality, Article 2 to Article 8 and Article 15 、17 of the Enforcement Regulations of Law of Nationality, a foreigner who is the spouse of a ROC citizen, may apply for naturalization through the ROC township household registration office.
(II)Required documents:
1. Application for Nationality Naturalization (including two photographs taken in the recent 2years; refer to the photograph specifications required for the renewal of national ID cards)
2. Stateless certificate or certificate stating the abdicating of original nationality or documents issued by foreign affairs institutes as required by the Article of Nationality Act.
3. Legal and valid Alien Residence Certificate or Permanent Residence Certificate.
4. Alien Residence Certificate (ARC) (The period of residence should be consecutive without breaks in between).
5. Certificates of the arrival and departure dates of a foreigner.(The applicant is not required to submit this document as the household registry agency shall enquire for the documents on the applicant’ behalf).
6. Police Criminal Record Certificate issued by municipality and county (city) government police bureaus during
aliens’ stay in the R.O.C.(The applicant is not required to submit this document as the household registry agency shall enquire for the documents on the applicant’s behalf)
7. Certificates of sufficient property or professional skills to be self-reliant or to ensure personal sustainability (adhering to Article 7 of the Enforcement Rules of Nationality Act, though aliens with Permanent Residence Certificate or has obtained “Certificate of ROC Naturalization Candidature” are exempt from filing this certificate).
8. Certificates of the basic language command and requirements of Article 3 of Standards for Identification of Basic Language Abilities and Common Sense of National Rights and Duties of Naturalized ROC Citizens.
(Those who have obtained “Certificate of ROC Naturalization” is exempt from providing the said certificate in this item)
9. Household registration copy with completed marriage registration (The applicant is not required to submit this document as the household registry agency shall enquire for the documents on the applicant’ behalf).- applicants failing to submit household registration copy shall enclose wedding certificates, identification certificates of foreign and R.O.C spouses. Those marrying in the R.O.C. shall also enclose the marital status certificate of the foreign spouses translated into Chinese and authenticated by R.O.C. foreign missions.
10. Certificate fee of NT$1,000 (to be paid via postal money order with the Ministry of Interior as the payee).